Citizenship by Investment

What is Citizenship by Investment?

Citizenship by investment are government backed programs where in return for an investment into the country via either donation or an investment into real esate – applicants are granted citizenship by the country. Currently on the market, there are 8 such programs, 5 of which are located in the Caribbean, 2 in Europe and 1 in the Pacific Islands.  The donation is usually a non-refundable contribution to a special fund set up by the respective Government, and is used to finance social needs for the country. Investment into real estate is usually a significantly higher amount that is paid into a Government-approved project such as a hotel and resort, which is developed by foreign developers.

These programs are especially attractive to wealthy individuals for a number of reasons. Some may be seeking greater international mobility due to higher visa-free countries, more attractive tax planning opportunities, and/or a safer and a more stable environment for their families. Then again, there is much more to learn about a program of citizenship by investment. Here are the main items we consider important in this topic.

You can boost the country’s economy

Citizenships by investment is a way for the country to directly earn money. That is important to increase funding for the country’s overall improvement through infrastructure development, job creation, and other projects. It is a then at the government’s discretion in applying the money in the right way. Most of the countries that offer such programs are currently under developed, and the Governments use their country’s good ranking passport in order to attract foreign capital.

You may obtain favorable tax conditions

The island jurisdictions that have such CBI programs, do not apply taxes on wordwide income, capital gains, dividends, gifts, wealth, or inheritance tax. Therefore, some people seek a second passport through citizenship by investment in order to optimize their taxes.

You become a world traveler

By becoming a citizen of those countries, you are given a passport that gives you freedom of movement and bolsters your visa-free access. Many of the applicants who seek a second passport through CBI, are of nationalities with weak passports which hinders their traveling and can affect global business and mobility.  

Times and costs are quite flexible

Nowadays, there are at least 8 Caribbean, European, and Pacific countries that offer citizenship by investment programs. You can obtain a second passport with as little as a  $100,000 donation plus fees and the entire procedure is done in a matter of a few months.

As you can see, citizenship by investment is a quite interesting solution for people who are looking to do business in other countries. However, the fact that there are many options of countries and of programs means you will have to take your time and do your research. That is the best way for you to find the program that suits your needs and avoid spending money on ways that will not help you.

Once you find the best citizenship by investment program for you, we highly recommend you seek expert guidance on how to go through the steps. That person will guide you through the legal and financial aspects involved, and will act as the liaison between you and the respective Government. You are not able to apply by yourself and must appoint an agent in order to prepare and submit your application on your behalf.

Citizenship by Investment

Benefits of Citizenship by Investment

Citizenship by investment programs have become a popular solution for people who are looking to enhance their global mobility. The programs are relatively straight forward and you have a good agent on your behalf – a straightforward process for most jurisdictions. However, as there are a number of countries that offer the programs, it can be daunting to navigate this topic for someone with no previous knowledge.

Here, we are going to help you understand the many benefits of citizenship by investment. In other words, you will see the typical characteristics of these programs in order to better prepare yourself for the moment you want to actually enroll in such a program. Then again, keep in mind that those programs are all slightly different, so there may be different rules to follow from one to the other.

The whole process is much faster

You know how it takes years, for people to go through traditional immigration processes? When it comes to citizenship by investment, most programs go from beginning to end in around 4 or 5 months. You can get your new, fully legal citizenship much sooner than you would expect!

You can help the country grow

As the name anticipates, you are investing in the country by way of donation or real estate. While you open yourself a door to do business abroad, the country receives valuable capital to invest in its own improvement. In other words, you will be contributing a lot to its cultural, educational, economic, and social growth.

Easy way to become a global citizen

Becoming a citizen by investment allows you to get a passport from the CBI country. In most cases, that passport is strong enough to grant you visa-free or visa-on-arrival entrance in over 150 countries. It is a wonderful way for to open up your borders.

Flexible times and costs

There are over 8 Caribbean, European, and Pacific countries that offer citizenship by investment. You can get started with $100,000 plus fees, and the procedure is done in a matter of months. This is much faster than typical immigration and naturlization processes in other countries, which can take years.

You can have a good backup option

Due to our sensitive geopolitical situations in todays modern world – many live in political and/or economic turmoil. That can become problematic for you and your family, and your long-term plans. Citizenship by investment is a safe way to obtain a passport from a stable environment where you can secure the future for of your family for generations to come.

More direct than permanent residency

Some countries make you go through the long procedure of permanent residency for a few years before becoming a citizen. With a citizenship by investment program, you can become a fully-fledged citizen with all the rights in a very short period.

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